Vertx Partners Founder, Sean Frisbee, sat down with Positively WV to talk about what Vertx does, our mission, and how we’re helping businesses in Appalachia connect with the Department of Defense.
The following content has been taken from Positively WV and repurposed for the Vertx Partners website. To view the original page, click here.
Retired Air Force Colonel Sean Frisbee founded Vertx Partners in 2021 to solve problems for the U.S. Air Force, while bettering the economy of West Virginia. A former President & CEO of the WVU Alumni Association, and once the Systems Program Director for the Pentagon’s F-22 Raptor program, Frisbee brings a veritable wealth of insider knowledge and cooperative know-how to Vertx’s mission to transform West Virginia into a powerhouse for national security and defense. Vertx Partners works with small businesses, entrepreneurs, non-profits, and academic institutions in West Virginia and Appalachia on how to land a government contract and work in the defense industry.
Show Notes:
- 3:05 What is Vertx Partners?
- 4:00 How Vertx got started.
- 7:20 What brought Sean back to West Virginia?
- 9:05 What makes West Virginia the best place for Vertx?
- 11:50 30 second pitch.
- 12:15 What is Sean most excited about?
- 13:55 What area is Vertx targeting?
- 16:55 Best business moment.
- 18:15 Sean’s perception of West Virginians.
- 23:05 PWV Commercial Break
- 23:47 What’s Sean’s long-term vision for Vertx/WV?
- 26:50 Virgin Hyperloop interest in West Virginia.
- 29:35 Challenges Vertx is facing.
- 32:12 What’s a guiding principle of Sean’s leadership philosophy?
- 33:15 Any advice for a young person?
- 35:03 One thing Sean does every day that contributes to his success.
- 37:58 Closing thoughts.
- 40:45 Outro
Quick Links:
To learn more about the services that Vertx Partners provides, visit:
To take the first step in working with Vertx Partners, visit:
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