Vertx Partners is proud to announce that one of its earliest associates, the Morgantown-based AmeriCarbon Enterprises, has secured a multimillion-dollar facility in Wyoming County, WV.

United States Senators Shelley Moore Capito (R-WV) and Joe Manchin (D-WV) announced on July 27 that the Wyoming County Economic Development Authority had been awarded a $3.9 million grant from the US Economic Development Administration to construct three buildings at the emerging Barkers Creek Industrial Park.
The Industrial Park project is now worth an estimated $7 million as it prepares to house Morgantown-based AmeriCarbon Enterprises. The facility will host a carbon manufacturing plant, a coal prep building, and a lab with office space.
Vertx Partners released a Partner Spotlight (below) covering AmeriCarbon, highlighting how the Advanced Carbon Manufacturing company is trailblazing in its industry. As AmeriCarbon has developed new ways for coal tar pitch to be transformed into advanced carbon materials like graphene and carbon fiber, it’s business and reach have grown, making the procurement of this latest multimillion-dollar grant a huge win.
The park itself is estimated to create around 70 jobs with pay ranging from $50,000 to $75,000 per job, plus benefits; it should be completed in 2 years.
AmeriCarbon demonstrates that innovative companies are waiting for the right relationships in the Mountain State. Companies like AmeriCarbon, if incentivized to remain in West Virginia, are a boon to the state. AmeriCarbon will generate jobs and revenue not just for the state as a whole, but Wyoming County, in particular, an area of southern West Virginia with economic opportunity.
AmeriCarbon also exposes a weak link both in the national supply chain and our national defense – the production of coal tar pitch. This is a material often purchased overseas from countries like China. As supply chain issues continue to affect much of the world, the need for American companies to step up to the plate and bat for domestic enterprise has never been more crucial.
As companies like AmeriCarbon Enterprises shore up the supply chain and encourage American economic independence, the state of West Virginia becomes more and more a critical player in a national conversation in which it has often been sidelined. These early success stories reaffirm one of the driving missions of Vertx Partners: to support American industry at the state, regional, and national levels by solving national security issues with innovative solutions for the safety and prosperity of Americans everywhere.
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